Where human walls extend nature

Comments made by the photographer

Submitter's name: Olaf Greve
Title: Where human walls extend nature
Gear used: OM-4Ti + 24/2
Film used: Fuji Provia 100F (RDP III)
Exposure: Unrecorded, but something like 1/250th seconds at f8.
The picture was underexposed by 1/3rd stop for additional colour saturation.
Technical information: Nothing special, obviously, I used the "take a step closer" approach with the super wide angle to make the foreground jump out, and I also intentionally inclined the lens, so the perspective would be exaggerated, causing the castle to look more majestuous. I digitally touched up some dust specks left by the scanning process. The scan did not come out great (which is no surprise, as the scanner is not all that great ;) ), oh well...
Subject information: This is one of the corners of an originally Byzantine castle in Molivos (Lesvos, Greece). The castle has a rich history and for several centuries (up until 1922 (IIRC)) it was in Turkish hands. With the long history of enimosity between Turkey and Greece, and with the island of Lesvos lying smack off the coast of Turkey (well within visible range), it is not surprising that this castle has seen much service in ancient warfare.

I took the picture in such a way, that the walls seem to grow out of the rocks it is constructed on, hence the title. What I personally like a lot, is the similarity in colour between the rocks and the castle walls, which I think contributes to the above mentioned effect.


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Comments made by others

Comment left by: Charles Sdunek (csdunek@softhome.net) It really does seem to be a part of the landscape. I have a fondness for things built from surrounding materials like this. You can hardly tell where the rocks end and the walls begin. Your composition really emphesised this well. Great shot!

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Picture copyright owned by the photographer, please contact them first if you want to use this picture for any purpose.

This page was made by Olaf Greve