Late night city stroll

Comments made by the photographer

Submitter's name: Olaf Greve
Title: Late night city stroll
Gear used: Olympus E-500 + Zuiko 14-45mm F3.5-5.6 lens @ 14mm
Aperture used: f4
Shutter speed used: Not exactly recorded, but it was a bulb exposure of around 2 seconds
Media used: Sandisk Ultra II card, set at ISO 100
Subject information: I had a bit of a tough time deciding between this shot, and a moon shot I took on a stormy night (which caused a rather surreal effect). In the end, being a sucker for explicit colour in my shots, I opted for this one. It's a bit difficult to explain what exactly appealed most to me in this shot, but I guess it's the typical nighttime city scenery, contrasted by the bizarre moon, and having the composition just about cut in half diagonally by the coloured lights. As a side note, the lights continuously change colours and I took a few shots. Out of the shots, the one with just two primary colours (red-blue) appealed more to me than the ones with more colours.
Technical information: It was a cold night, and the battery was already almost depleted, so I only had a few shots to work with, and decided to switch off the flash, and set the camera to fully manual mode (incl. manual focus), and as a side experiment, I set it to bulb exposure mode to play somewhat with that. An exposure time of around 2 seconds gave the (to me) most pleasing results. I didn't have a tripod with me, so I had to make do with just standing very still and holding my breath.

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Comments made by others

Comment left by: Wayne Harridge (no e-mail specified) That bright coloured diagonal works really well.


Comment left by: Wiliam Wagenaar (wiliam@orange.nl) Those two colors really work for me. I also like the inclusion of the moon.

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Picture copyright owned by the photographer, please contact them first if you want to use this picture for any purpose.

This page was made by Olaf Greve